Marvel Studios' first animated series, What If...?, is taking fans on an adventure to explore pivotal moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and reimagining famous events from the films in unexpected ways.
Sideshow and Hot Toys are excited to officially introduce Zombie Hunter Spider-Man as the first sixth scale collectible figure from the What If...? collection. Meet your favorite characters in looks you've never seen before!
Expertly crafted based on the appearance of Zombie Hunter Spider-Man in the soon-to-be-released animation series, the 1:6 scale figure features a newly crafted masked head sculpt with multiple interchangeable right eyepieces to create different combinations of expressions; a greatly poseable figure body; finely tailored Zombie Hunter Spider-Man suit following the classic blue and red color scheme with a Cloak of Levitation in burgundy; a number of interchangeable hands for signature poses; assorted web effect accessories, and a dynamic figure stand.
Kick start your collection on What If...? with the new Zombie Hunter Spider-Man figure now!