We use APC Overnight (Next Day Delivery for the UK mainland ), DHL,DPD, PARCELFORCE etc. as our service providers.
UK Mainland | Free delivery for all orders | |
Northern Ireland | £15.00 per-item (2-5 working days service) | |
Scottish Offshore Islands | £25.00 per-item (2-3 working days service) | |
Other International Areas | Sorry we don't send parcels out of the UK any longer | |
There are several reasons why an item you ordered may not have been received:
1. Missing or delayed order
For orders without tracking numbers, delivery usually takes 3–5 working days (from date of posting), but we need to wait 21 days before being able to investigate this matter further. If you believe your item has been lost, and 21 days have passed, please contact us immediately.
For orders with tracking numbers, please contact delivery companies first before contacting us.
2. Items not yet available (pre-order)
If you have pre-ordered items, we will hold your order and dispatch the items to you as soon as become available. For payment for pre-orders, please see section 9 in our T&C.
3. Items temporarily out of stock
If an item goes out of stock and we expect to receive new stock within a reasonable time we will hold your order and dispatch the item to you as soon as stock is available. For payment for pre-orders, please see section 9 in our T&C.
4. Items unavailable
If an item becomes unavailable (which means we are unexpectedly unable to fulfil your order and are unlikely to receive new stock within a reasonable time) we will email you to let you know and automatically refund your card.
5. Account declined (payment not processed)
If we cannot process payment for any reason, we will email you to let you know and ask you to update your card or bank details as necessary.