A bloodstained tale of revenge, Resident Evil: Vendetta is a feature-length CG animated film from the best-selling survival horror game series, Resident Evil. The film is set in New York, and depicts Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy, and Rebecca Chambers as they work together to take down wanted criminal Glenn Arias, also known as “the death merchant.” The film is the first in the series depicting Redfield and Kennedy working together, and now Kotobukiya has recreated the legendary BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) Captain in stunning detail! The ace marksman’s posing evokes the opening sequence of the film, as he peers down the scope of his M4A1 Assault Carbine ready to take the killing shot. Unlike Leon S. Kennedy, Redfield is heavily armored, wearing his B.O.W combat gear, with the emblem on his arm that designates him as the captain of the BSAA’s elite counterterrorism unit, Silver Dagger. The statue’s georama base resembles the flooring in the villa where a rescue mission takes place, with empty magazines, cartridges, and blood spray decorating the surface. A battle-hardened stalwart of the Resident Evil series, don’t miss your chance to add Chris Redfield to your collection today! Kotobukiya is finally partnering with Capcom’s popular IP, Resident Evil. Display this statue alone or with other statues from the 1/6 scale ARTFX line. The character models from the movie are faithfully recreated using the same technology used to create statues from live-action movies.